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I am so excited that you are ready to embark on this journey together with your child. This book is the first of its kind. It is written as a right-brain book that blends science, math and art into a whimsical love letter found in nature.

What is the Right-brain?
The right-brain is the part of your brain that is responsible for photographic memory, speed reading and, quantum math. Simply stated, The Sacred Geometry of Father’s H’art is written to teach your child how to speed read. It seamlessly circumvents your analytical left brain and automatically boosts neural connectivity in the right brain. It is so easy that your child’s genius will instantly be captivated by the beautiful art work transporting them into the alpha brainwave state. You may be asking how this is all done. There are subtle neurological nuances that are not obvious to the naked eye.
Right-brain reading
Firstly, the pictures are separated from the text. Secondly, the pictures always appear on the right-hand side of the book. Father’s H’art is specifically set up with writing on the left-side to be read as a speed reader and pictures on the other page to be absorbed by the reader’s eye gate. Biologically, your eyes will be drawn to the picture first, that is the way your right brain works. That is perfectly fitting for this book. Once you familiarize yourself with the picture and now are in the right brain genius frequency, your eyes will glaze back to the text. In this relaxed state, do NOT allow your child to phonetically sound out the words but instead let the words wash over you both. Other subtleties are the size of the text, justification, font and sentence spacing. Again, don’t analyze the details, just enjoy the chronicle.

How to read this book to your child.
You will be amazed at how quickly your child reads and conceptualizes these hypotheses that have confused humanity from the spatio-temporal continuum. Try not to get in your child’s way by slowing them down. In fact, if he or she wishes to thumb through it, this is all part of the right-brain learning process, pander to it. There are pictures to color at the back of the book to help them ease into the right-brain learning process. This can be done before, during or after you decide to read to them.

My suggestion is to read the book with your child in a relaxed, loving setting from cover to cover. Afterwards, ask them which page spoke most to them and invite the Holy Spirit to minister to you during this time. They will activate that page for the day by discussing it, internalizing it, walking it out and finally, recognizing it in nature, or however the Lord brings it into focus for you and your child.
I have taken complex mathematical and scientific observations and boiled them down into bite-size neurological activations. You will be effortlessly guided through nature’s Fibonacci sequences while observing various Golden Ratios found in the galaxies. Do not analyze the Sacred Geometry instead, let the Mandelbrot, fractal shapes within a shape of the bronchioles, speak to your right-brain. See our human anatomy reflected in nature or recognize our anatomy as bespoken in nature and simply allow it to be absorbed. These scientific and mathematical mysteries have confounded man from the beginning of time. However, Eternity’s Code in each of these phenomena is clearly divulged through Father’s H’art in His book of creation

I was commissioned to write this book to catapult our child to the forefront of academics. This book is your intellectual trebuchet—use it, please! Transcend all barriers humanity has placed on us to bring them into their glorious future! Decipher Eternity’s Codes and then use it for His Kingdom’s Glory! I pray it speaks to both your child’s heart and yours.

Eternity's Code Vol. 1: Father's H'art

SKU: 364215376135191
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  • 8" by 10" Softcover book

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