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1. Is the prophetic prayer session free?

Yes, freely you have received so freely you shall give. Click on "Contact" page to book your session. At the bottom of each section, you can click on the icon to book your free prayer session. There is also the option of clicking the button "click here to join", which will allow you access to more material, mentoring and monthly zooms. As you see in Hall of Angels, Acronyms and Living Water the lists below these subjects have no live links. This is because it is part of the member site where we dive deeper into how to access heaven and become a functioning priesthood on earth as it is in heaven.

2. I heard there  is prophetic art included in the prayer session. Is the prophetic art personal?

Yes and No. The prophetic art is a result of our prayer session and the picture the Lord wants me to paint for you. So yes, you can commission me to paint the vision received during the prayer session. No, the prophetic art can also not be personal because there are general art pieces bought as prints. Scroll to the bottom of this page and look at our gallery.

3. Do I have to become a member?

No, there is an enormous amount of free content to aid your healing.

4. Is this counseling?

No, this is simply a prayer session. We wait on the Lord to see what He wants healed.

5. Do you need to know my history?

No, the prophetic is purely based on what the Lord wants to show us.

6. What if I don’t get the healing I want?

We defer to Our Savior to know what is best for his flock.

7. Are the prayer sessions in person?

No, they are either made via phone or zoom.

8. How do I pay for my original painting?

You first have to have your original session and from there you can donate.

9. How do you stay in heaven?

Through the Holy Spirit, He is your connection to Jeshua Ha' Mashiach (Jesus' real name in Hebrew) who will come to your guidance during the prayer session. Once you are equipped to go to heaven regularly you will start discovering your negative thought patterns that are getting you booted out of heaven. See Gate 1 to begin your inner healing journey.

10. Why did Jeshua keep handing you off to Wisdom when you want to be with him?

Because Jeshua learned from Wisdom while he was on earth and now is your time to learn from one of the seven characters of YHWH (YHWH is the Hebrew name the Jews had for God, see membership site for the deep dive into the breath of YHWH, the acronym of YHWH and the living letters) . Luke 52:12

11. When you get into the member site, you will learn to engage with Heaven. Yes, there you get to ask all the questions you want! I Asked Wisdom why she always does this goofy dance that looks like she is blocking her nose while going under water.

She said it was because her dance represents how she goes down into the souls on earth.

12. Why was the Menora lying on its left side?

Wisdom told me because it represents the 7 spirits of God and that Wisdom in Hebrew is 7 letters. Apparently, the middle stick is what is lit first for Shabbat and that is Wisdom. Left is because the heart is on the left side, so Wisdom is encapsulated in love and when reading wisdom in Hebrew it will go from top to bottom. 

Past Prayer Session Paintings
Painting His Message!


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