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This website provides information only and is not intended to offer legal or counseling advice. I do not offer any advice, only information based on my previous experiences, all of which occurred through my prayerful listening to my Lord. I am by no means telling you what to do but simply relaying information of how I accessed heaven through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ of Nazareth. The content provided on this website should always be filtered through the Word of God and the Holy Spirit's Wisdom.

All information contained herein - content, links, and materials, are for general information only. The information included in this site is not up to date and further heavenly visitations are covered in Patreon vlogs( No representations of the content are made indicating that the subject matter is to be your exact experience. Rather it is promoted to encourage you that heaven is accessible to all of those with the Father’s heart.   

Readers in need of legal, spiritual, or counseling advice should contact their lawyers, pastors, or counselors directly, to obtain advice with respect to any particular matter. In reading this website, you should refrain from acting, or not acting, on the basis of this information without first seeking advice from counsel, as well as direction from the Holy Spirit.

Your interpretation of the information contained herein, and its potentially appropriate application to your own personal situation, can only be determined and/or assured by you, your Wonderful Counselor, or the Holy Spirit in you.

Should you book a free prophetic prayer session, it will always be through Jeshua Ha’Mashiach. Heaven can only be accessed through Jeshua Ha’ Mashiach. I believe that the area He chooses to reveal to you is where He wants to take you. The personal experiences listed on this site may not always mention that I was in Jeshua when accessing heaven, but this is always the case!

Reading this website or any of the links or resources contained within it, by no means creates a consultant-client relationship between the reader and the author or the author’s organization. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this information is hereby expressly disclaimed.
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