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Healing Humanity through Heavens gates

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about us.

Paint My Message is a tool that gives people access to heaven. The website guides you to unlock the
secrets of heaven while naturally achieving inner-healing and growth. The interactive prayer session will
provide you with a tangible experience that can be captured in a personalized prophetic painting. At
Paint My Message we help you discover your eternal image, reveal your purpose but most importantly,
teach you how to fly!

our vision

Paint my message is a place where we heal humanity. It is a pivotal location where everything we touch
comes to light through the bible and its ancient scriptures. Our organization brings divine encounters of
heaven to earth drawn out of strategical blueprints from the heavenly realms. It is where the word will
manifest in the lives of our members in the community of believers of Our Lord, Jeshua Ha’Mashiach.
We will build an organization of similar projects, partnerships, apps and even amusement parks.
Freedom will tangibly manifest through the development of Paint My Message catapulted on the wings
of fully functioning clients, partners, and visitors to our site.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Psalms 19



Our mission at Paint My Message is to heal humanity. Humanity needs you! So, let’s get you healed. Book your prophetic prayer session now. It is free. In this intimate setting there is usually a personal message from Yeshua Ha’ Mashiach that can be commemorated in an original painting for a suggested donation.

Thanks for submitting!

book a prayer session

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He is Painting you your Message
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© 2023 Paint My Message

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